Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A new year....with new beginnings!

Wow, once again,. I failed at keeping up with this. lol What can I say, I tend to have a short attention span. But I am trying again. I figure even a post sporadicly here and there, well it is better then nothing, right

Things have been difficult over the past few months. My husband, has been out of work for 5 months. The year 2010, ended on a rough note. BUTI have to say, what Blessings my friends and family have been, through this difficult time! I truly believe in the power of Prayer, friends and family.

This month, will be our new fresh start to our year. January is usually the typical start for the new year, but for us, now that my husband has been offered a great job to start at the very end of February, that is when our New year will begin! :) We will have family benefits again. I am SO grateful!

I think this difficult time, has taught me many lessons. Lessons I hope to carry with me moving forward in this new year, and to remember in future times of need. I need to remember that helping others is fantastic and comes easy, but being able to accept help, can be challenge. But it is important. As many dear friends have reminded me, I would help if I could, so I need to learn to accept help as well. It has really helped me grow as a person, a mother, a wife, a friend and as a Christian. To keep hope and faith strong, trust in God and know that things will get better. I know how truly Blessed we are.

Now, before I sign off for the day., some cute and funny stories! Well, only a couple. But if I don't document them somewhere I may forget them! :) Elliott is getting SO big. I can hardly believe, this baby who had me on bed rest for 4 months, this little boy who was so hard to bring into this world, is almost 2!! He still has an obsession with Yo Gabba Gabba, so this years cake, will probably follow last year's theme. Yo Gabba Gabba all the way! The other day, I said "I love you baby", to which he responded, "love you too Mama!". I just melted!

The next day, I had to laugh. We were all hanging out on a snow day, just vegging in our jammies in bed laughing and having a slow morning. Well, Daddy decided to, well cut the cheese. lol Nate says "Daddy, say excuse me! " So daddy did. But Nate looked back at him and insisted he say it louder. When I asked why he needed to say it louder, Nate informed us' Because you have to say it loud enough for the fart to hear you so it will disappear! " He was quite proud of himself for thinking of that. When I asked him where he got that from, he said he just realized it , that was all! lol

Corbin lately has been maturing quite fast. I can hardly believe he is 9. Where does the time go? He has been creating these amazing Lego projects. He can spend HOURS creating. It warms my heart. :) He really has an amazing, imagination. He has just been reading books, like there is no tomorrow! We were reading a book, where the children go back in time. Corbin asked if they had TV or video games back then. When we said no, he said he was not sure if he could live with that! lol Then he asked if there were books back then. We said yes, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief! lol

Now Owen, well he is almost 12!! I can't believe when I came into his life, he was only 3 years old! I look back at pictures, and see this young man, who is almost as tall as me! I am amazed at how much he has grown. We miss him terribly between visits. I am looking forward to summer, and getting some extra time with him!

Over the weekend, Dave and I took the boys to Jacques Cartier Park, which was loads of fun! This is a terrible picture of me. But the boys of course, are adorable! :P

Well, no funny or embarrassing stories to tell about myself! Well, there might be a few....but no one wants to hear them! ;)

I will try to be back...sooner then later! :) I need to get ready for when the kids get home. Nate wants to bake cookies with me SO bad. Need to make a store run to get some parchment paper, and whatever else we may need. Can't let him down! My little Chef! Corbin, he wants me to make them too. Not to help us, but to eat them! ;)

Before signing off, I should update a recent picture of my babies! This is the one we were able to get over Christmas break,.

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