Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our planet.......

Finally the sun makes a rare appearance! It has been quite the gloomy week here. Between the rain, snow and slush, I was worried the sun had gone away for good! Strange weather to be having this time of year. All I can say is, what a shame we have done so much to damage our beautiful home to cause the weather to be more and more erratic!  The results are devastating to wild life, and to our lives as well!

I am hoping and Praying, that we are making the proper changes and learning how to turn our habits around. I want to leave my children and future grandchildren, and beautiful healthy world to live in! Clean air to breath, trees, grass, animals and surprisingly enough for me to say, even insects! 

Recycling has always been a big thing in our home. My nickname in high school from some of my friends was Greenpeace. It sounds kind of silly I guess, but I have always been devoted to doing my share to clean up our planet in any way I could. So we recycle, we reuse, we reduce regularly and always have! 

I hope I am doing a good job at instilling these habits and way of living into not only my children, but those around me! I encourage others to do the same. It can really blow your mind, how making such small changes can have a big impact. When people throw things away that can be reused, or recycled, it drives me batty! Hearing what difference will ONE can or one bottle make, is enough to make me want to cry. Can you imagine if all the people who felt that way, who take the extra minute to recycle that can or bottle? How many millions more we could stop from ending up in our landfills? 

My children, husband and I are working on a special recycling/reusing project this summer. I am really hoping we are able to accomplish what we are setting out to do. It will be pretty epic, that's all I will say for now. After the next few weekends of birthday parties, and events, I hope we can take a day to sit down and make our plans. I look forward to getting to it, and posting a picture of our progress once we start! 

Well, that's all for now! I have a busy afternoon ahead. I will update soon! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Brace yourselves.........

Because I am back! Again!

It seems like I am terrible at keeping up with this blogging thing. The weird thing is I seriously LOVE it and don't know why I wait so long to post. I know no one really reads it at this point. But it is something I was and am doing for ME. It makes me feel good to take the time to document the happy little moments in my life! Even though we suffer hardships, I find when I do blog, I only stick to the good stuff. It always gives me a boost and makes me feel great when I do finally take the time!

The past few months have been a whirlwind! I had surgery last month, and it took a little longer then I had anticipated to heal. When I told the kids I was having surgery, Nathaniel was a little confused and asked if the Drs will shrink to go inside my body to fix me...LOL..I wanted to make sure that was written down somewhere, so I can always remember it! I have to say, that I have an AMAZING family, that took good care of me. I am hoping moving forward for positive long term results now, and staying positive. It was a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, and I am so grateful for mine, and my families health!

Since the last time I posted, Nathaniel had his first communion. We were all SO proud of him, he did an amazing job. We we blessed to have a houseful of family and friends to celebrate the occasion with us!

Here he is afterwards with the cake I made him. I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, it is from my phone! Our computer is on its last leg, and I can't upload any pictures to it for now.

Other then that, things have been relatively normal. We had strange weather today, snow! A fair amount of it. It actually cause our brand new gazebo to cave in, which is really a pain. But it has already melted away, and we are patiently awaiting the sunshine's return! We are also waiting, but not so patiently, for summer break. I am really looking forward to having my babies home for the summer. Working from home allows me to be able to spend that time with them, and for that I am so grateful.

Well, singing off for now, not sure when I will be back. Hopefully, sooner than later! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm bbbaaaacccckkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am BACK! Well, I am trying to be. lol

When I started this blog in 2009 I had an idea. One that I have been talking about cryptically here for ,well, over 2 years? Since 2009! Now I mean business. This week, this is it. I am starting the project and I will stick to it darn it!

It is a project I am really excited about and yes, I am going to be cryptic again. But by THIS weekend, I am determined to have posted the first of posts based on this wonderfully brilliant idea! Ok, so maybe not wonderful, or brilliant, but definitely fun!

So hold on to your seats because we are about to begin...this weekend...I promise.......well not promise....ok promise...well....we will see! ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yes...I am still here! lol

Hello again!

ok so once again I seem to have taken a break from blogging. Not by choice, but by being in a complete life is busy, brain fart involving fog! :P I keep saying how determined I am to make it work, and post weekly. Still kicking the same weekly post idea I have around in my head. I WILL at SOME POINT be doing it! SO keep checking, it WILL happen! (Well, most likely..........;) )

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another mini update!

Hello again world!

We are FINALLY coming out of winter and into spring. it has been a rough spring for us. Strep throat, gastro throughout the entire house hold....colds...ugh...we are SO ready to be germ free! lol

We HAVE to stay healthy, but not only for the usual reasons. Corbin has dental surgery coming up soon. I am a little nervous. Any surgery where they have to be put under, scares me. He has a tooth condition called Enamel Hypoplasia. Caused by fevers when their teeth are forming. He has always been a really healthy child! But his teeth were always bad and until the diagnosis, I could not figure out why. I killed me seeing him get fillings done at such a young age. But now, he will have the dental surgery, they will be putting caps on his most affected adult teeth. He seems to be happy that he will be asleep this time when his teeth are being done! So while he is relaxed, and I am happy to keep it that way, I am a nervous wreck on the inside! He has his post op this week, and if anyone at home is sick they may postpone the surgery. Funny, this did teach me a valuable lessons. I would see kids with fillings an d metal teeth and think wow, their teeth were not well cared for. Now, my son will be the one with the metal teeth and fillings, and it is caused not by lack of care, but by his condition! Lesson learned. making that assumption really made an...well you what out of me! :P

Funny story about Corbin this week. He came up to me and said: "Guess what mom?? I am becoming a man! I have hair growing on my arms, I am growing a mustache and my arm pits smell bad! " The things kids say! LOO He followed up by announcing yesterday that he will have to learn to shave soon! :P lol

When the gastro did hit us, we were all sick over March Break. Poor kids were stuck here, in jammies, sick and unable to do anything or go anywhere. So yesterday. let them skip a day of school (shhhhh) so we could have a make-up day. :) We went to the museum with my sister and her boyfriend. The kids got to eat junky lunches from McDonald's and we had a great afternoon at home planning our April fools day jokes for when Daddy got home. He loves the trick Jello drink, and of course the whoopee cushions. I had two boys running around making farting noises and laughing their butts off waiting for dad to get home so they could get him! lol It was a fantastic day and I am SO glad we spent it together!

Now the weekend is here, the sun is shinning and we are going to enjoy an afternoon outside after Mister E takes his nap. I can't get over how big they are all getting! Owen will be 12 in just over a week! Elliott 2 next month, Nate 7 in June, and this year Corbin will be 10! I am amazed at how fast time flies! I am truly Blessed and just love being home with them!

Now I should really get to my plan for my blog I keep promising! I am determined THIS week will be THE week I get my stuff together! lol Now that we are HOPEFULLY done with the germs and being sick, and that spring is here!

Take care everyone!! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mini Update time!

Ok, so here goes! I am going to try and sum up the last couple of weeks! Today, honey starts his new job. :) We are so very proud of him! I can hardly wait for him to get home tonight, to hear how he day went. Nathaniel, has a loose tooth, that has been hanging there for weeks. It just will not fall out! It is literally hanging there. lol He has been very brave , but still is not ready for us to pull it out. So we are patiently waiting for the tooth to make its way out of his mouth, and under his pillow. He is very excited to have the tooth fairy make her visit. :)

Corbin, well big news! His bottomless pit, actually has a bottom! LOL He is SUCH a big eater in the afternoon and evening,. He could eat all night! He keeps saying he has a bottomless pit. Well, a few weeks ago, he ate SO much at his Aunt and Uncles house. On the way home, he had a tummy ache. He looked at us and said, "you know what, I think my bottomless pit actually does have a bottom!" LOL Needless to say, by the next day, his tummy was all better, and he was back to attempting to fill it up again! :)

Elliott, well he has a new word. "Excited"! He loves to say he is excited when he is really happy. Still makes me melt every time! The bad news, the poor little one has a throat infection. We took him to the clinic on Saturday. He is on his antibiotics and starting to feel better a little more every day. He is eating better now too, which is GREAT to see! :)

As for me? Well, nothing much new to report! I had an interview for some possible new daycare clients. I am looking forward to starting physio for my back soon. I am also making sure I start to take more time for me. I had an idea in December. I wanted to blog at least once a week. There is a plan behind it....and it has been on the back burner for months now. So, hopefully later on today, I can start my weekly blog plan, and set it in motion! See you soon!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A new year....with new beginnings!

Wow, once again,. I failed at keeping up with this. lol What can I say, I tend to have a short attention span. But I am trying again. I figure even a post sporadicly here and there, well it is better then nothing, right

Things have been difficult over the past few months. My husband, has been out of work for 5 months. The year 2010, ended on a rough note. BUTI have to say, what Blessings my friends and family have been, through this difficult time! I truly believe in the power of Prayer, friends and family.

This month, will be our new fresh start to our year. January is usually the typical start for the new year, but for us, now that my husband has been offered a great job to start at the very end of February, that is when our New year will begin! :) We will have family benefits again. I am SO grateful!

I think this difficult time, has taught me many lessons. Lessons I hope to carry with me moving forward in this new year, and to remember in future times of need. I need to remember that helping others is fantastic and comes easy, but being able to accept help, can be challenge. But it is important. As many dear friends have reminded me, I would help if I could, so I need to learn to accept help as well. It has really helped me grow as a person, a mother, a wife, a friend and as a Christian. To keep hope and faith strong, trust in God and know that things will get better. I know how truly Blessed we are.

Now, before I sign off for the day., some cute and funny stories! Well, only a couple. But if I don't document them somewhere I may forget them! :) Elliott is getting SO big. I can hardly believe, this baby who had me on bed rest for 4 months, this little boy who was so hard to bring into this world, is almost 2!! He still has an obsession with Yo Gabba Gabba, so this years cake, will probably follow last year's theme. Yo Gabba Gabba all the way! The other day, I said "I love you baby", to which he responded, "love you too Mama!". I just melted!

The next day, I had to laugh. We were all hanging out on a snow day, just vegging in our jammies in bed laughing and having a slow morning. Well, Daddy decided to, well cut the cheese. lol Nate says "Daddy, say excuse me! " So daddy did. But Nate looked back at him and insisted he say it louder. When I asked why he needed to say it louder, Nate informed us' Because you have to say it loud enough for the fart to hear you so it will disappear! " He was quite proud of himself for thinking of that. When I asked him where he got that from, he said he just realized it , that was all! lol

Corbin lately has been maturing quite fast. I can hardly believe he is 9. Where does the time go? He has been creating these amazing Lego projects. He can spend HOURS creating. It warms my heart. :) He really has an amazing, imagination. He has just been reading books, like there is no tomorrow! We were reading a book, where the children go back in time. Corbin asked if they had TV or video games back then. When we said no, he said he was not sure if he could live with that! lol Then he asked if there were books back then. We said yes, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief! lol

Now Owen, well he is almost 12!! I can't believe when I came into his life, he was only 3 years old! I look back at pictures, and see this young man, who is almost as tall as me! I am amazed at how much he has grown. We miss him terribly between visits. I am looking forward to summer, and getting some extra time with him!

Over the weekend, Dave and I took the boys to Jacques Cartier Park, which was loads of fun! This is a terrible picture of me. But the boys of course, are adorable! :P

Well, no funny or embarrassing stories to tell about myself! Well, there might be a few....but no one wants to hear them! ;)

I will try to be back...sooner then later! :) I need to get ready for when the kids get home. Nate wants to bake cookies with me SO bad. Need to make a store run to get some parchment paper, and whatever else we may need. Can't let him down! My little Chef! Corbin, he wants me to make them too. Not to help us, but to eat them! ;)

Before signing off, I should update a recent picture of my babies! This is the one we were able to get over Christmas break,.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hello? Anyone there? lol

Man, it has been nearly an entire year since I last Blogged! Wow when I commit, I really commit.....:P

Well, I just wanted to touch base. Have a BUSY year to catch up on here. But will have to take it one baby blog post at t time! Signing off for tonight, a start is a start no matter how small right?


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Trace, this one is for you! ;)

Well I am SO behind!! lol It has been a while since I have taken a moment to blog. I really miss it too!!I am looking forward to getting caught up! There has been so much going on it is crazy! lol Poor Mister E was sick, first time for my little baby. Fevers, and him being miserable..poor little guy. After 2 Dr.s visits, we figured out it was an ear infection. I was glad to find out what it was, but it is so hard to see my baby sick. He is back to normal now, which is so wonderful to see!!

I am back to work, and kids are back to school. :( It is hard. I miss them so much. Hopefully summer will come sooner then later! :P lol Hubby is at school full days, four days a week now. It has been a hard adjustment and we miss having him home more. But it is nice to have him walk in the door, the kids and I are so happy to see him, and dinner is usually cooking, or at least planned and about to be cooked! My mom once lovingly called me Suzy Homemaker, and it totally suits me! lol I love it and live up to the name with pride! (well as best I can live up to it! lol I have my days, where it is a fast meal of frozen foods, or take out from time to time! lol)

I have so much more to say, but will have to call it quits for tonight! I am beat! Tomorrow, hubby has homework to do, and I have homework to finish with Corbin. I am looking forward to having some much needed family down time too! Before the hustle and bustle of the new week beginning! Have a great night everyone!! :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It went WAY too fast...

My vacation is over! :(

I do LOVE my job, but it was SO great to have some family time, with no schedules but our own! It was a welcome break. We spent the majority of the week in jammies! lol Can't go wrong!!

We are all somewhat on the mend. Dave seems better, I am feeling better too. Kids have the sniffles, but we are hoping they get over it really fast! Winter has settled in, and it is cold out there. Sniffles are par for the course!

Tomorrow, we get together with my grandmother. She finally moved closer! She has been in Sherbrooke since I was a child. But this year, she moved to Gatineau. It is SUCH a Blessing having her nearby now, for all of our family events! Birthdays, Christmas, and soon Elliott's baptism. :) (just need to set the date!) Tomorrow, she is having us all over to celebrate Epiphany. We will get to see some family I have not seen in years! Even some that have not met my children yet. My grandmother always made a crown cake, and hid peas in it. One for the Queen to find and one for the King. I offered to make the cake for her, since she can no longer make it. I tried my hand at making fondant for the first time! I have used it before, but never made it. I am SO pleased with how it turned out! Made a marshmallow fondant. it is tasty! Next time, I will add a little more butter for the smoother texture I think. But it still worked out great for my first time! I had no peas to put in it, so mom will being some tomorrow. Will have to remember where they are, so I can make sure one is found by a guy and one by a girl! :) This is how it turned out;

I am really hoping my grandmother likes it. :) I am really looking forward to going tomorrow. It is always a challenge going out with all the kids in the winter, especially with Elliott just getting into a schedule, but it is worth it!

As for tonight, I am going to spend some time with Dave, and get some sleep! Busy day tomorrow! After my grandmothers event, we need to get this house ready for our busy week! New schedule starts Monday, with Dave at school for full days now!

Ta ta for now!! ;)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Wow 2010 already!

What a year 2009 had been! The way 2009 started out, we really did not know what to expect! I spent New Years Eve last year, in the hospital, being told, we might lose the baby. They were sure I lost my mucus plug, that I was leaking amniotic fluid, and contractions had started. I was only 20 weeks along. WE had chosen our newest little mans name, and were looking forward to a new year, with a baby on the way, daycare going well, and Dave having just moved up in the company he was working for. Things looked so wonderful!

But with the news of the baby being at risk, the year was starting out on shaky ground. I was put on bedrest and monitored much more closely. Knowing I could no longer work, and had no benefits, was a big blow and we were not sure how we would mange. Then about a month and a half later...Dave lost his job. It was a really scary new year, with so many worries. I prayed, and tried my best to stay as positive as I could. There were challenges, a few late bills, and quite a few tears. But we kept on. Hearing Elliott heart beats, and hitting every new week of him still being in me, brought us much needed positive energy. Dave looked and looked, and no jobs were available. My parents were amazing. Mom kept watching my daycare children 2 days week, since my clients did not want to lose me as their care provider. It was SUCH a blessing. There was a lot of comfort in knowing, that once Elliott was born, I would have my job ready to go back to. Then Elliott came!

He was even a little late! Due to being on bedrest for so long, Elliott descended the wrong way, and had a hard time coming out. Hardest delivery of all my kids! After a long and extremely painful labor and no baby yet, there was talk of a C-Section, and he must have heard it, because he turned his head, and came right out! Poor baby had indentations on his head for weeks (and even a bit now) from being stuck the wrong way for so long, and from me pushing with him in that position for an hour and a half! But he was perfect! He was jaundice, and nursing had painful challenges, but every single tear and challenge was worth it. Our youngest was here, to join his three older loving brothers! After spending months worrying, he was here, and perfect and most of all healthy!

Once Elliott was 2 weeks old, I started working again. But poor Nate, got really sick. Monday morning had us take him by ambulance to CHEO , he was creaming in pain, and had fevers. Dr there said could be gas, even though we knew it was something wrong, and they sent us home. Saw the Dr the next day, and again on Wednesday took him back to CHEO, determine we were going to get answers. Well, we got answers. He had pneumonia and by this point it was quite severe and he had to spend 5 nights at CHEO on IV! We were upset they failed to diagnose him until his third visit. Had they seen it the first day, he would have started meds and avoided being admitted. With a newborn at home, and Nate in isolation it was not easy. Once again, my parents were an amazing Blessing, and helped Dave and I take turns spending time here with the kids, at the hospital, with the baby...etc.. I would pump while with Nate, and nurse E when I was home.

Nate got better and better, and after 5 nights at CHEO, was home JUST in time for his Bday! :) This was when we were waiting for his IV to be taken out so we could go home!
During the summer, the kids enjoyed soccer. It was Nate`s first year, and Corbin`s forth! He was becoming better and better with each passing year. It was wonderful seeing the kids running around having fun, smiling and laughing! :) It warms my heart to see my beautiful children, healthy, happy and loving life! They had a blast swimming in our little pool in the backyard this year as well! (and in grandmas pool of course! lol) Owen is so wonderful with them in the pool, helping them learn things and playing with them! He is an amazing big brother. What a Blessing, our blended family, works together so well, and there is always so much love to go around!

Gosh there are SO many pictures I want to share! This year, we have spent some wonderful times at the museums, playing outside, having jammies days and just being a family! I feel more and more Blessed everyday! I don`t want to forget any of it! lol

The year has now come to an end. It ended with some pretty amazing things. Dave is back to school! He was accepted for a program, that not only helps with living costs, but pays tuition for him! He is at Algonquin, taking the nursing program in the fall. :) It is so wonderful! He is such a caring and loving man,. He is always there to help others and is very compassionate. Nursing really is something he will be amazing at! I love him so much, and thank God for bringing him into my life. We have ups, and downs, but we love each other, our children, and our lives together. I look forward to a wonderful new year, surrounded by the many people whom we are Blessed to have near us! We have our children, each other, our amazing family and friends, (you know who you are!)
I hope and Pray for this year, to be a wonderful Blessed year, for us, and for all our friends and family. May you all be surrounded with love and family, and always be grateful for the people and things in your lives. My new years resolution, is to be just be the best person I can. I want to be healthy and happy, and make sure that what I do, makes myself, my family and God proud. :) I could not have asked for a better life! we come!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday already done???

Wow, today went fast...too fast.....

My first day of holidays zoomed by! We got a little cleaning done, but mostly, relaxed! Dave took Elliott this morning and I went back to bed for almost hours! It was GREAT, and SOOO needed!

Grandma and Grandpa Bert, had given us a gift card for the boys to get a new video game. So today, we picked up DJ Hero. The kids had a blast! Nate really likes it, Corbin, although he is the one the most interested in the idea of DJ'ing..was not as keen. But now that we know he can play guitar at the same time as someone else DJ's...he will be happy and can be! lol We all have our DJ names. I am DJ Chats, Dave is DJ Frost, Corbin was Rock Star, but then changed it to DJ Master, Nate is DJ Yo, and then Elliott is DJ Eli! I can't wait for Owen to come for his next weekend so he can try it and choose his DJ Name! lol

When Dave went to get the game, he made a stop, to get me something. I am one to not usually buy myself anything. When I get money or gift cards for myself, I usually get things the kids need instead. SO when I saw this at Starbucks when I walked thought with Nate, on the way into Chapters to use my gift card to get him his new mentioned it to Dave. I have an orange juice, iced tea and ice coffee addiction. I am always on the look out for a cup that holds a cold beverage, that is big enough, and that is reusable. Well I found the perfect one. It was on sale, good price, but still, I refused to ge tit for myself. SOOO Dave when he gets home, says close your eyes, and gives me a bag. I look in, and there is the cup I wanted! I was so flabbergasted! It was such a wonderful gesture. I am going to post a picture of it tomorrow if I get th chance. It is the neatest cup I think I have ever seen! You usually see reusable coffee ones, for warm beverages. But this one is for cold drinks, and it really is perfect and just what I wanted! :) He is such a sweetheart!

Now, I have played DJ Hero, cleaned, made dinner, put kids to bed....I am beat! I am going to log off, run the dishwasher and get to bed! Tomorrow, there will be more DH Hero I am also, a few games of monopoly! I think I will ask around to see if anyone has one of the old ones, the main game lying around (since we have the kids ones) so Dave and I can play!

Have a good night everyone!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Monday? No problem!!!

Another Monday around the corner...and that is ok!

Dave, the kids and I are off all week!!!!! I am SO happy. I know it will go by WAY too fast. Once next Monday rolls around, we are back to being really bus. Actually, with some new routines that are going to be challenging as Dave starts a new schedule at school. But I know we will find a way to make everything work! So tomorrow, being Monday, is a good thing! It means we have an entire week off together to enjoy, relax, and have fun! I am really looking forward to playing some monopoly with the kids, and scrabble, and getting some much needed cleaning and sorting and purging of old toys and clothing done!

Today, Nate and I had some time together. Just mom and Nate time! We were driving to the store, and talking about how many letters are in each of our names. His being the most, 9 letters. Chantal has 7.Corbin has 6, David 5, Elliott 7, Owen I said was the shortest with 4 letters. He corrects me and tells me that I had the shortest name. I was about to say no and show him by re-counting the letters in Chantal...when he said 'you have the shortest...M-O-M! ' Only 3 letters!' :) What can I say, he was right! :)

Since we had four stops to make, bank, Loblaws (for some organic Apple juice for E ), Chapters (for Nate to pick out his new webkinz) and walmart for milk and bread, I said we would have to be quick at Loblaws and run in. He said we can`t do that. I asked why, and he said we are not allowed to run in stores! What was I thinking! This little guy was correcting me left and right today! :)

SO when we got home, we got some cleaning done, and the Nate had a nice nap! Elliott had been waking up before 6 am the past 2 days, and poor Nate heard the baby and woke up too, so he was pretty tuckered out. After some lunch, and cleaning, Corbin came home! It was so great to see his smiling face!!! We had a nice dinner, pasta, rolls and Caesar salad, and watched part a movie together before bedtime. It was a beautiful day! I am beat and still fighting this darn cold. But it is getting better little by little!

SO now, I sit with Dave and watch him play a game on the Playstation for a bit. Then I am off to bed! Need to make sure I am good and rested to start our week off on the right foot! :)

Have a great night everyone!

Sleep well, sweet dreams, and God Bless!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lazy day......

..and loving it!!

I am still quite sick. I think my body realized that the big Christmas business was over, and the germs went nuts! :P lol SO I took full advantage, and did very little today! We had soup for lunch....MC's for Nate and Daddy (and me JUST a little), played Mario cart, and just hung out at home. I don't like feeling so off, especially when there is so much I want to get done! All these toys and things to put away and find room for. Although I am off for a week, so I will probably get them done slowly but surely! We are missing Corbin and Owen so much. I can't wait for Corbin to get home tomorrow. :) We have to wait 2 weeks to see Owen again, which is really hard....having a stepson is amazing, but waiting till the weekends to see really hard.

I am looking forward to my week off, and having lots of time to hang with the family! But for to bed to get some sleep! I am hoping to wake up tomorrow morning, with this cold gone!!!!!!!!!!! :P lol