Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday already done???

Wow, today went fast...too fast.....

My first day of holidays zoomed by! We got a little cleaning done, but mostly, relaxed! Dave took Elliott this morning and I went back to bed for almost hours! It was GREAT, and SOOO needed!

Grandma and Grandpa Bert, had given us a gift card for the boys to get a new video game. So today, we picked up DJ Hero. The kids had a blast! Nate really likes it, Corbin, although he is the one the most interested in the idea of DJ'ing..was not as keen. But now that we know he can play guitar at the same time as someone else DJ's...he will be happy and can be! lol We all have our DJ names. I am DJ Chats, Dave is DJ Frost, Corbin was Rock Star, but then changed it to DJ Master, Nate is DJ Yo, and then Elliott is DJ Eli! I can't wait for Owen to come for his next weekend so he can try it and choose his DJ Name! lol

When Dave went to get the game, he made a stop, to get me something. I am one to not usually buy myself anything. When I get money or gift cards for myself, I usually get things the kids need instead. SO when I saw this at Starbucks when I walked thought with Nate, on the way into Chapters to use my gift card to get him his new mentioned it to Dave. I have an orange juice, iced tea and ice coffee addiction. I am always on the look out for a cup that holds a cold beverage, that is big enough, and that is reusable. Well I found the perfect one. It was on sale, good price, but still, I refused to ge tit for myself. SOOO Dave when he gets home, says close your eyes, and gives me a bag. I look in, and there is the cup I wanted! I was so flabbergasted! It was such a wonderful gesture. I am going to post a picture of it tomorrow if I get th chance. It is the neatest cup I think I have ever seen! You usually see reusable coffee ones, for warm beverages. But this one is for cold drinks, and it really is perfect and just what I wanted! :) He is such a sweetheart!

Now, I have played DJ Hero, cleaned, made dinner, put kids to bed....I am beat! I am going to log off, run the dishwasher and get to bed! Tomorrow, there will be more DH Hero I am also, a few games of monopoly! I think I will ask around to see if anyone has one of the old ones, the main game lying around (since we have the kids ones) so Dave and I can play!

Have a good night everyone!!

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