Sunday, December 27, 2009

Monday? No problem!!!

Another Monday around the corner...and that is ok!

Dave, the kids and I are off all week!!!!! I am SO happy. I know it will go by WAY too fast. Once next Monday rolls around, we are back to being really bus. Actually, with some new routines that are going to be challenging as Dave starts a new schedule at school. But I know we will find a way to make everything work! So tomorrow, being Monday, is a good thing! It means we have an entire week off together to enjoy, relax, and have fun! I am really looking forward to playing some monopoly with the kids, and scrabble, and getting some much needed cleaning and sorting and purging of old toys and clothing done!

Today, Nate and I had some time together. Just mom and Nate time! We were driving to the store, and talking about how many letters are in each of our names. His being the most, 9 letters. Chantal has 7.Corbin has 6, David 5, Elliott 7, Owen I said was the shortest with 4 letters. He corrects me and tells me that I had the shortest name. I was about to say no and show him by re-counting the letters in Chantal...when he said 'you have the shortest...M-O-M! ' Only 3 letters!' :) What can I say, he was right! :)

Since we had four stops to make, bank, Loblaws (for some organic Apple juice for E ), Chapters (for Nate to pick out his new webkinz) and walmart for milk and bread, I said we would have to be quick at Loblaws and run in. He said we can`t do that. I asked why, and he said we are not allowed to run in stores! What was I thinking! This little guy was correcting me left and right today! :)

SO when we got home, we got some cleaning done, and the Nate had a nice nap! Elliott had been waking up before 6 am the past 2 days, and poor Nate heard the baby and woke up too, so he was pretty tuckered out. After some lunch, and cleaning, Corbin came home! It was so great to see his smiling face!!! We had a nice dinner, pasta, rolls and Caesar salad, and watched part a movie together before bedtime. It was a beautiful day! I am beat and still fighting this darn cold. But it is getting better little by little!

SO now, I sit with Dave and watch him play a game on the Playstation for a bit. Then I am off to bed! Need to make sure I am good and rested to start our week off on the right foot! :)

Have a great night everyone!

Sleep well, sweet dreams, and God Bless!

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